What is A Palliative Care Consultation?

Palliative Care Consultation Service (PCS)

Palliative Care Consultation Service (PCS) provided by Nevada Palliative Care (NEVPC) is offered, by request, as a service to the medical community.  PCS can be requested by attending physicians to work in collaboration and along side of a patient’s care team.

PCS is appropriate for all patients with debilitating, chronic and life-threatening conditions, regardless of diagnosis or prognosis. PCS is particularly useful in conjunction with traditional medical care, in cases where management of symptoms, related to a patient’s illness, is difficult to achieve.

The PCS is lead by board certified palliative care physicians and the care team consists of nurse practitioners, social workers, nurses and spiritual counselors.

To learn more about PCS, such as requesting a consult, call Nevada Palliative Care at 702-880-7002.